Highlights and Lowlights: LeBron James

Let's look at the best and worst moments of The King's career.

Join End of the Bench as we take a look at the highlights and lowlights of some of sports' biggest stars.

HIGHLIGHT: Athletic, versatile, mentally tough, a level-headed player who has an uncanny ability to throw round objects into places where they belong.

LOWLIGHT: Always relies on teammates to pass him the ball.

HIGHLIGHT: Only needs to win two more rings and purchase the Charlotte Hornets to match Jordan’s legacy.

LOWLIGHT: Will forever be known for the demolition of the Space Jam franchise.

HIGHLIGHT: Is a 4-time MVP, which leaves him 2 shy of unlocking the MVP gauntlet.

LOWLIGHT: Failed to gain Boston Globe sportswriter Gary Washburn’s vote in the 2013 MVP race.

HIGHLIGHT: All-time leader in tossing crushed chalk.

LOWLIGHT: All-time leader in fans blinded by tossing crushed chalk.

HIGHLIGHT: Developed phenomenal back strength while carrying the Cavaliers to their first-ever NBA title.

LOWLIGHT: Brought recognition to a shitty town like Cleveland.

HIGHLIGHT: Raised $2.5 million for charity as part of ‘The Decision’.

LOWLIGHT: Failed to get ESPN to greenlight ‘The Decision’ for a second season.

HIGHLIGHT: Youngest ever athlete to make it to the cover of Sports Illustrated.

LOWLIGHT: Still hasn’t made it to the cover of Harper’s Magazine.

HIGHLIGHT: Led the Lakers to their first championship in 10 years.

LOWLIGHT: The trophy has already started rusting.

HIGHLIGHT: Probably owns a shit ton of basketballs.

LOWLIGHT:Unable to calculate the diameter of a basketball just by looking at it.


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